Candid photography
2022-08-12 - by: John - IN #1
What is candid Photography ?
Candid photography, on the other hand is a much more modern of photography, which is much less artificial. In this type of photography, all the pictures are real and there are no predefined poses. Pictures are taken spontaneously and the individual, may not be aware that his photo is being clicked. The photographer is always running and he needs to capture the scenes, without changing the scene. The people are given direction in the photo. It happens very rarely, that the photographer, needs to give certain directions, for obtaining higher quality pictures. Now, let us examine the techniques, as to how to get better candid photography.
The camera should be taken everywhere.
All good candid photographers must carry their cameras everywhere, in order to take spontaneous photos. Once, the photographer carries his camera, assists people, with taking their photo. This means the photos taken must be as natural as possible.
The long zoom must be used.
The photographer must be as far away from the individual as possible, so that the individual must feel as comfortable as possible. The cameraman must use long zoom or telephoto news, which will enable them to shoot beyond their personal space, but the feeling is highly intimate.
The flash must be killed.
The best way, to signal to another individual, that the cameraman is photographing them, is by using flash. Once, flash is done, the individual immediately gets alerted. If the light is low, due to ISO setting, the faster lens was used, the aperture was opened, and the camera has a natural mode, is turned on.
Shoot lots
Once, an individual shoots multiple images of a person, with spontaneous shots and surprising. This will never be possible, if there is only one photo. The camera should be switched to continuous shooting mode and shoots in images, which are bursting, and increases the chances of getting the perfect shot.
The camera must be positioned in a strategic way
The camera must be positioned in a strategic way, and get that perfect shot at the perfect at the split second of a time.